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- 1 x MaxiMist Spray Mate Plus System
- Mobile 4 lbs, 65 DB, single stage HVLP Turbine Motor
- 1 x MaxiMister Standard Spraygun
- 1 x Solution and cosmetics sampler package
- Designed for mobile use. 25+ uses a day (150 uses per week)
- Includes 5 x 8oz 'Suntana's Famous Five' (our complete range - FREE)
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- 1 x MaxiMist Lite Plus
- 1 x Pop-Up ‘clear view’ Tanning Booth
- 5 x 250ml ‘Suntana’s Famous Five’ (our complete range – FREE)
- 1 x 250ml MaxiMist gun cleaner
- 1 x MaxiMist Spray Mate Plus System
- Mobile 4 lbs, 65 DB, single stage HVLP Turbine Motor
- MaxiMist Turbine Warranty on Motor (2 year limited)
- 1 x MaxiMister Standard Spraygun
- 1 x Pop-Up ‘clear view’ Tanning Booth (warranty 30 day limited)
- 1 x Solution and cosmetics sampler package
- Designed for mobile use. 25+ uses a day (150 uses per week)
- Model: ST610 Plus
- Includes, 5 x 8oz ‘Suntana’s Famous Five’ (our complete range – FREE)
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- 1 x MaxiMist Evolution TNT Unit (for full specification / parts list see description in unit listing)
- 1 x Pop-Up 'clear view' Tanning Booth
- 5 x 8oz 'Suntana's Famous Five' (our complete range - FREE)
- 1 x 8oz MaxiMist gun cleaner
- 1 x MaxiMist Pro TNT Unit (for full specification / parts list see description in unit listing)
- 1 x Pop-Up 'clear view' Tanning Booth
- 5 x 8oz 'Suntana's Famous Five' (our complete range - FREE)
- 1 x 8oz MaxiMist gun cleaner
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